Coping with frustration and mediocricity
What would have prompted a 23 year old English major to shower bullets on unsuspecting souls?
Hedonism and Christianity! I find it an illogical answer for such an unpardonable and ruthless act.Yes lack of support system would have made him a loner. But is that justification for erasing 33 odd dreams.
When we chase success, when we act ruthless, when we hate ineffective people and when we dump elderly as useless people to stay ahead in race, mind it we are digging our own grave.
What happened was an extrapolated natural repercussion, the lava of anger, and the destructive explosion of frustration. And that American-Korean was just a symbol.
If we dismiss it as an odd and eccentric case, we might have to dismiss terrorists also as odd people. But dismissing or wiping out these disgruntled people are not quite easy.
This is clear case that indicates the failure of US statecraft that gave more importance to personal safety than public safety.
Wake up to act…Else you will be buried in sleep. Be a little sensitive be a little caring. And raise the children properly for god sake.
Collective psyche of competitive spirit is wonderful for the growth of India. But please don’t feed on carcasses to achieve that.
Practically it is better to lead a happy and ‘unsuccessful’ life than ‘successful’ and unhappy life.
Hedonism and Christianity! I find it an illogical answer for such an unpardonable and ruthless act.Yes lack of support system would have made him a loner. But is that justification for erasing 33 odd dreams.
When we chase success, when we act ruthless, when we hate ineffective people and when we dump elderly as useless people to stay ahead in race, mind it we are digging our own grave.
What happened was an extrapolated natural repercussion, the lava of anger, and the destructive explosion of frustration. And that American-Korean was just a symbol.
If we dismiss it as an odd and eccentric case, we might have to dismiss terrorists also as odd people. But dismissing or wiping out these disgruntled people are not quite easy.
This is clear case that indicates the failure of US statecraft that gave more importance to personal safety than public safety.
Wake up to act…Else you will be buried in sleep. Be a little sensitive be a little caring. And raise the children properly for god sake.
Collective psyche of competitive spirit is wonderful for the growth of India. But please don’t feed on carcasses to achieve that.
Practically it is better to lead a happy and ‘unsuccessful’ life than ‘successful’ and unhappy life.