Friday, April 09, 2010

My sister….

You need a shoulder to cling on
With no emotional baggage attached
You need someone to vent your frustrations
You need someone to make you smile
You need a lap to sleep like a baby
When the whole world gives up on you
You turn to your mom and realize that
Your pain will pain her more and then…
Then you wish to have a sister like the one
I have…blessed are the ones like me
who have a sister to take all the pain
My tears pain her but she douses them all
She make me feel at home even in exile
We don’t share a bond of blood but we
do share a divine bond of love and care.

Long live my dear…may god bless you....
Love you my are best

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Dialectics and RTE

Development is complicated. It is a profit and loss statement and the numbers can be interpreted only depending upon the position where you are in the number line; above or below zero.And most of us live a hand to mouth life as glorified poor or aspirational rich. Middle class wants free lunches great roads and liberal social life.But are poignantly critical about degrading ethics and morality. Then we act as trained hippocrats !!! by closing our eyes and ears at the drop of the hat.

Media always convey things with a false sense of authority and it acts as a propaganda mechanism. Because you need a protaganist and an antagonist for a story to be made. And I somehow feel the main stream media is recklessly irresponsible as it bombards our minds with preconcieved notions.
But we made the media and government like this through our jingoistic and dogmatic view points. Most of us believe in absolute truths and like to live in an imaginary utopia; a creation of our mind.But unfortunately that does not exist. This world is grey, infidel and volatile.What we have and can do is just some trade offs.

And a reasonable trade off can happen only through informed dialectics. And that is not permitted to happen.What is happening is a hijacked debate and both parties are busy in proving thier points. But we being zeros have a great advantage most of the developmental decisons dont affect us directly.So our life goes on nethier we are displaced from our dwellings nor we are buying penthouse in Manhattan.

The postive rich are directly benefited and the negative poor degraded. But for godsake we zeros or positives should take a stand to make at least more zeros out of the negatives and the only silver bullet for that is education.For an appreciative next generation we need to invest in education. Otherwise Vedantas will just continue doing lip service and maoists will kiss any kind of development to death.

I am sure the 'Right to Education' bill is in the right direction. Education can only stop large scale exploitation.Only sustainable development can preserve this beautiful earth to longeivity with more percentage of people enjoying atleast two time meals. Raise a toast to this landmark has its own glitches but what does not have ?

I genuninely feel for marginalised, I love the roarkian courage of Arunthati Roy but I am sure things can be improved without taking stands. It is a vicious cycle. To morally survive and progess we really to need to help others to survive too... Screw the revolution !!! Hail the evolution...try to act as a catalyst.

Let the dialectic logic prevail :)