The Doctor of souls - Ernesto Guevara
Disclaimer : This is not a movie review.
The effect : Revelation !!!....Miss this movie at your peril
Love is weak if it is based on just heterosexuality or homosexuality.
Love is ulitmate if I fantasize Bhavana( The heroine of tamil movie Deepavali,seems she has acted some malayalam movies also ),Lord Krishna and the wringled Saraswathi amma....(my deceased grandmother) with the same emotional intensity and yes for different purposes offcourse.Emotions cannot be created by should come from within....
And if I could do that...Then on that day I will proclaim that I am free....upto that point I am just fatalistic and an emotionally challenged individual.There are some abnormal creatures who walked on the crust of the earth before me,some walk along me and some will walk after me....And this movie has got two such persons...What more can I ask for....???
This movie is like going to a spa and getting a soothing massage.
The two peaks of the movie according to me:
1st peak
Granado comes and ask Ernesto for the 15 dollars which they never spent during thier trip,May hell or high waters strike them.He wanted that money so that he can fuck the prostitute in the boat.That money was given by Ernesto's girl friend to purchase her a swimsuit from yankieland if at all these guys reach North America.Without blinking aneye Ernesto says that he has given that money to the strange couple whom he met on the Anaconda mines.
Here you see three things.The basic carnal desire,The romantic love and just simple love for our own dreams which break the barriers of gender,creed, class,beauty, nationality and what not...???.I just loved the triumph of plain unconfusing love.
2nd peak
Towards the end of the movie the people of the colony which they stayed for a while, celebrate his birthday and give him a fairwell party.The colony consist a hospital,laboratary and the residences of the doctors and nurses.The river amazon splits the doctor's 'healthy' abodes and the 'sick' patient's dwellings.After the toast and party when everyone is enjoying Ernesto leave the place and go near the river.As he was looking at the other side of the river his friend Grando comes and ask him that whether there is any problem.He replies that he want to go to the other side of the river and was looking for boat.In some urge he removes the clothes and walk into the river,Granado tries to stop him in every possible way.....But this guy just swim across the amazon river to defy not only the manmade divisions but also the aiding nature.The cheering leprosy patients....would have seen the real jesus christ in that blooming communist.Because by breaking the discriminatory rules he just created a sense of belonging among them.
Politics is not about using power and the carrot of development to get love and care(votes), it is about giving the love and care to get nothing but the heart of the people.
and when you get the heart of your people then you are the true leader,Then power is a by product and development becomes a collective effort.
I am still a staunch capitalist only but this kind of movies give me a jerk.
May be the ways of Guevara can be debatable.If 10% percent of that...what is shown in this movie is true about that guy wonder why he is still a hero for many.
Impresionante debo decir...!!!

Film : The Motorcycle Diaries
Love is weak if it is based on just heterosexuality or homosexuality.
Love is ulitmate if I fantasize Bhavana( The heroine of tamil movie Deepavali,seems she has acted some malayalam movies also ),Lord Krishna and the wringled Saraswathi amma....(my deceased grandmother) with the same emotional intensity and yes for different purposes offcourse.Emotions cannot be created by should come from within....
And if I could do that...Then on that day I will proclaim that I am free....upto that point I am just fatalistic and an emotionally challenged individual.There are some abnormal creatures who walked on the crust of the earth before me,some walk along me and some will walk after me....And this movie has got two such persons...What more can I ask for....???
This movie is like going to a spa and getting a soothing massage.
The two peaks of the movie according to me:
1st peak
Granado comes and ask Ernesto for the 15 dollars which they never spent during thier trip,May hell or high waters strike them.He wanted that money so that he can fuck the prostitute in the boat.That money was given by Ernesto's girl friend to purchase her a swimsuit from yankieland if at all these guys reach North America.Without blinking aneye Ernesto says that he has given that money to the strange couple whom he met on the Anaconda mines.
Here you see three things.The basic carnal desire,The romantic love and just simple love for our own dreams which break the barriers of gender,creed, class,beauty, nationality and what not...???.I just loved the triumph of plain unconfusing love.
2nd peak
Towards the end of the movie the people of the colony which they stayed for a while, celebrate his birthday and give him a fairwell party.The colony consist a hospital,laboratary and the residences of the doctors and nurses.The river amazon splits the doctor's 'healthy' abodes and the 'sick' patient's dwellings.After the toast and party when everyone is enjoying Ernesto leave the place and go near the river.As he was looking at the other side of the river his friend Grando comes and ask him that whether there is any problem.He replies that he want to go to the other side of the river and was looking for boat.In some urge he removes the clothes and walk into the river,Granado tries to stop him in every possible way.....But this guy just swim across the amazon river to defy not only the manmade divisions but also the aiding nature.The cheering leprosy patients....would have seen the real jesus christ in that blooming communist.Because by breaking the discriminatory rules he just created a sense of belonging among them.
Politics is not about using power and the carrot of development to get love and care(votes), it is about giving the love and care to get nothing but the heart of the people.
and when you get the heart of your people then you are the true leader,Then power is a by product and development becomes a collective effort.
I am still a staunch capitalist only but this kind of movies give me a jerk.
May be the ways of Guevara can be debatable.If 10% percent of that...what is shown in this movie is true about that guy wonder why he is still a hero for many.
Impresionante debo decir...!!!
I havent seen the movie(but have heard a lot of good reviews about dt), but read the book a few weeks back and it was not at all inspiring .
Truly awesome words, inkeeping with a truly awesome film. I have seen this film innumerable times, and as he swims across the ocean to the isle of the lepers, i still heave a sigh...
Saw the movie long time back, and own a DVD of the same. The movie is a revelation of a terrific person, and his journey.
I adored every single part of the movie, and could relate it easily.
Che Guevara is the silent inspiration for a lot of motorcycle tourers like me :)
Don`t get to see Movies now until they appear on TV. But, motorcycle riding - that I can relate to. Used to love driving them when I was younger. two of my brothers owned them, so they were always available for me to borrow. My s-I-L`s pretty bike was parked in my driveway when I got home Thursday. I told my son in law I wish I was still able to ride one, but after breaking off my tail bone years back, I had to stop riding bikes and horses. He told me I was welcome to drive his machine if I ever felt up to it. I wish i could still ride them, I still remember the feeling of riding them both. like flying thru the air with the greatest of ease- actually I wasn`t a speeder, never over the 65 MPH speed limit that is. More fun driving than riding one.
Sounds like you enjoyed the movie.
Not yet watched the movie. But from what u have written the movie seems to have captured the spirit of this icon of socialist revolution..
i badly want to get hold of this movie..coz am a die hard Che fan..
i dont really belive there is gonna be another Che ever again..
Ithevide poyi maashe???????????????????????
see the movie worth a watch....
:)...I like that concept of the river...used as a natural barricade to the neglected...And his action was like a statement I dont care hell or high water..What an attitude....
you remind me of Guevara...:P
thank you ammomme...i did enjoy the movie
Do watch would be doing a favour to you by doing that..:)
U hippocrazy doesn't allow me to be a fan of guevara..;)
evide okke thanne undu...silence is the best expression.all other expressions are just borrowed ones..Enjoying a phase of indifference...
i also loved the movie. i have not read the book - but i have read 'travelling with che guevara' by alberto granado - a very enjoyable book written in a simple style telling the story of their adventures. i am sure you will like it :)
i read the movie review but missed to watch will do one day
welcome back..!!!
ohh never got hold of that book...wud love 2...
oohhh u sud watch it....:)
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