I always wanted karnan to win
Oh Lord...Am I growing ?
What did I learn and Where
I m forcing myself into by
embracing outdated ideals.
Everywhere I find people
who have made winning a
habit and here I blame them for
being not as ethical as I am..
When it matters the most my
skills betray me..And victories
where always the monopoly of
Arjuna..Am I the born loser ?
This world will respect me,
This world will idolize me
My image will grow and glow
But still I will be a gracious loser.
I hate losing this war.. so Indra !!!
Go back to your abode..You
will never get what you want.
I've the might and I choose to win.
When coeval Karnan wages the
war that will change the course of
history which is full of false notions
and unneccessary glorifications.